Article Category: Enterprise Content Management

Medical Administrator Sorts Through Patient Data Files

Advanced Security Solutions for Better Patient Confidentiality

Healthcare professionals working in medical offices and hospitals today are faced with growing concerns for the security of their patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI). In an environment that handles such a high volume of personally-identifiable material, maintaining HIPAA compliance and protecting personal information and medical history is more than just a courtesy; it’s the law. To protect patient confidentiality and ensure your organization is legally compliant, it is important to utilize an information management strategy

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URM Technologies designs Enterprise Content Management programs to help government agencies save time and money.

Save Your Government Agency Time and Money

People working in the public sector are not strangers to the demands of staying on a budget. In fact, government employees are often faced with the challenge of finding creative, new ideas to run their departments as efficiently as possible with limited financial resources. For many of these agencies, updating to the latest, cutting edge technologies can seem like an expense which might be too costly to carry out. However, with the modern benefits of

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URM Technologies designs Enterprise Content Management programs to help government agencies protect their sensitive information.

Greater Information Security for Your Government Agency

While government agencies can vary widely in size and function, our local, state, and federal offices must all abide by strict regulations and take extra precautions to care for the highly sensitive information they process. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is a powerful tool for agencies seeking to reduce the risk of security breaches and leaked information. Advanced ECM strategies offer options to securely host, recover, and destroy data and documents so that agencies can rest

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Explaining the Trifecta

ECM and Achieving the Workplace Trifecta

Enterprise Content Management is changing the way people do business today. With an increasing number of businesses taking advantage of the benefits of these plans, there has never been a better time to find out just what makes a solid Enterprise Content Management (ECM) strategy so important and how it can create a state of optimal productivity in your workplace. The three core pillars of ECM are cutting-edge equipment, advanced software, and top-of-the-line service strategies.

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Increase Productivity & Efficiency Within Your Firm

To stay competitive in the fast-paced, high stakes legal field, an increasing number of firms are relying on Intelligent Scanners and Enterprise Content Management systems. Incorporating a customized Information Technology solution into your law office is a great way to streamline your business, lighten your workload, and reduce spending on paper, payroll, and physical storage. From state-of-the-art devices that save time and improve accuracy, to the latest in technology and information privacy, URM Technologies’ Enterprise

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Simplifying IT for Legal Professionals

The contemporary law firm needs modern solutions to stay competitive. Because legal offices create and process many sensitive documents and are often overrun with paperwork, choosing the right technology can determine the outcome of a firm’s bottom line. With Enterprise Content Management, law firms are being revolutionized with simple solutions in Information Technology that streamline workflows, protect priority documents, and securely share and destroy information. Taking advantage of advances in information technology through Enterprise Content

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Flexible, Intuitive Solutions

Request A Meeting With One of Our Experts

URM Technologies
Instead of piecemealing your solutions, connect the entire lifecycle of your document management. Consult with one of URM Technologies’ experts to learn how you can connect the dots for your entire organization by employing a range of services for a cost-effective, comprehensive workplace document and data content management program.
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